The $500 Credit Deals is one of a kind. its exclusive . most importantly you get to access to amazing offers , deals and savings!
Heres how it works:Purchase our $500 Cash Deals(CDs) .
Pay only $380(thats an awesome cash savings of $120) but you get to enjoy $500 credits/value.
Use this CDs to fund for your purchase for any of our beauty services, including Facial, make up and of course even our manicure/pedicure services !
The $500 CDs can be used all year long(including public holidays) its transferable.it gives you priority appointment bookings too(no expiry)
And best of all it also allows you to purchase any of our beauty products at a 10% discount!
Sign up a Prudential savings/medical plan and enjoy an extra $50 credits free!!
Installment programmes for up to 2 months are available.
Act fast because all applications will close on 30 November 2010.
Check out this awesome deal with any of our Beauty Consultants for more information, terms and conditions