Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another look at our ongoing service: Paraffin Wax Treatment.

If you have been a regular supporter of our salon's services, you would have been aware of this service known as Paraffin Waxing.It is a common option in heat therapy treatments for people with arthritis or other rheumatic diseases -- the heat helps increase blood flow and relax the muscles, which can help relieve caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.
Paraffin wax can even soften hardened skin caused by scleroderma, a disease in which collagen accumulates on the body -- it increases the skin's elasticity, allowing for increased movement and mobility, especially on the skin covering the hands
But the benefits of paraffin wax don't stop there. Because paraffin wax treatments are a form of heat therapy, they're often used for muscle, tendon and ligament ailments. As with conditions like arthritis, they increase blood flow, improve joint stiffness and reduce pain. They're also used to treat bursitis, tendonitis, sprains and pulled muscles (source:Discovery Health) 
So now you have it ! All the wonder effects that you get to enjoy with this service . Call us at 85247664 to book your appointment now.

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